Class RowCountTask Count the row in a table. This task normally uses the COUNT(*) method (could take some time on big tables).
You can pass a a filter condition for the count.
Namespace : ETLBox.ControlFlowAssembly : ETLBox.dllSyntax# public sealed class RowCountTask : ControlFlowTask , ILoggableTask
Examples # int count = RowCountTask.Count("tableName").Value;
Constructors RowCountTask()#
Declaration RowCountTask(string)#
Declaration public RowCountTask ( string tableName )
Parameters Type Name Description string tableName
RowCountTask(string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public RowCountTask ( string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters RowCountTask(string, string)#
Declaration public RowCountTask ( string tableName , string condition )
Parameters RowCountTask(string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public RowCountTask ( string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Properties Condition# Part of the sql where condition which restrict which rows are counted
Declaration public string Condition { get ; set ; }
Property Value DirtyRead# Will do the row count also on uncommitted reads.
Declaration public bool DirtyRead { get ; }
Property Value Options# For Sql Server, you can set the QuickQueryMode to true. This will query the sys.partition table which can be much faster.
If set to DirtyRead, the count will also read uncommitted rows.
If set ReadOnlyFirstRow, the count will use a limit when running
Declaration public RowCountOptions Options { get ; set ; }
Property Value QuickQueryMode# For Sql Server, you can set the QuickQueryMode to true. This will query the sys.partition table which can be much faster.
Declaration public bool QuickQueryMode { get ; }
Property Value Rows# Will hold the number of counted rows after execution
Declaration public int? Rows { get ; }
Property Value Sql# The sql that is executed to count the rows in the table - will change depending on your parameters.
Declaration public string Sql { get ; }
Property Value The formatted table table name
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor TN { get ; }
Property Value TableName# Name of the table on which the rows are counted
Declaration public string TableName { get ; set ; }
Property Value Methods Count()#
Declaration Returns Count(IConnectionManager, string)#
Declaration public static int Count ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName )
Parameters Returns Count(IConnectionManager, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static int Count ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns Count(IConnectionManager, string, string)#
Declaration public static int Count ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition )
Parameters Returns Count(IConnectionManager, string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static int Count ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns Count(string)#
Declaration public static int Count ( string tableName )
Parameters Type Name Description string tableName
Returns Count(string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static int Count ( string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns Count(string, string)#
Declaration public static int Count ( string tableName , string condition )
Parameters Returns Count(string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static int Count ( string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns CountAsync()#
Declaration public Task < int > CountAsync ()
Returns CountAsync(IConnectionManager, string)#
Declaration public static Task < int > CountAsync ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName )
Parameters Returns CountAsync(IConnectionManager, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static Task < int > CountAsync ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns CountAsync(IConnectionManager, string, string)#
Declaration public static Task < int > CountAsync ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition )
Parameters Returns CountAsync(IConnectionManager, string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static Task < int > CountAsync ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns HasRows()# Checks if the table has at least one (matching) row.
Declaration Returns HasRows(IConnectionManager, string)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName )
Parameters Returns HasRows(IConnectionManager, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns HasRows(IConnectionManager, string, string)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition )
Parameters Returns HasRows(IConnectionManager, string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( IConnectionManager connectionManager , string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns HasRows(string)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( string tableName )
Parameters Type Name Description string tableName
Returns HasRows(string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( string tableName , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns HasRows(string, string)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( string tableName , string condition )
Parameters Returns HasRows(string, string, RowCountOptions)#
Declaration public static bool HasRows ( string tableName , string condition , RowCountOptions options )
Parameters Returns Implements#