Class Network The network class allows you execute, monitor and cancel data flows.
You need to provide at least one start node to run the network. All other linked components
will be retrieved automatically. If you provide more nodes, the algorithm will determine if
a network has already started or not and ignore the other nodes.
It is recommend to pass only one node from the network.
Namespace : ETLBox.DataFlowAssembly : ETLBox.dllSyntax# public sealed class Network
Examples # Network.Execute(source1);
Network.Execute(source1, source2); //If source1 and source2 are in the same network, providing source2 is superflous
Task t = Network.ExecuteAsync(dest1);
Constructors Network()#
Declaration Network(params IDataFlowComponent[])#
Declaration public Network ( params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Properties AllNodes#
Declaration public ReadOnlyCollection < IDataFlowComponent > AllNodes { get ; }
Property Value AllowMultipleExecutions#
Declaration public bool? AllowMultipleExecutions { get ; set ; }
Property Value Destinations#
Declaration public ReadOnlyCollection < IDataFlowDestination > Destinations { get ; }
Property Value IgnoreUnlinkedNodes#
Declaration public bool IgnoreUnlinkedNodes { get ; set ; }
Property Value OnCompletion#
Declaration public Action OnCompletion { get ; set ; }
Property Value OnException#
Declaration public Action < Exception , string > OnException { get ; set ; }
Property Value OnInitialization#
Declaration public Action OnInitialization { get ; set ; }
Property Value Sources#
Declaration public ReadOnlyCollection < IDataFlowExecutableSource > Sources { get ; }
Property Value StartNodes#
Declaration public ICollection < IDataFlowComponent > StartNodes { get ; set ; }
Property Value Methods ApplyToAllNodes(Action<IDataFlowComponent>)# Will apply the given action on all nodes in the network.
Declaration public Network ApplyToAllNodes ( Action < IDataFlowComponent > onNode )
Parameters Returns Type Description Network The current Network instance.
Cancel()# Cancel the BufferCompletion(s) on all nodes in the network, will start cancelation from the sources.
This will result in all nodes canceled in the whole network.
Declaration Cancel(params IDataFlowComponent[])# Cancel the BufferCompletion(s) on all nodes in the network, will start cancelation from the sources.
This will result in all nodes canceled in the whole network.
Declaration public static void Cancel ( params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description IDataFlowComponent []startNodes The start nodes - only one node in the whole network is sufficient
Execute()# Will execute the data flow for the whole network synchronously.
The network is derived from the given StartNodes (only one node of the network is needed)
Declaration Execute(params IDataFlowComponent[])# Will execute the data flow for the whole network synchronously.
Declaration public static void Execute ( params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description IDataFlowComponent []startNodes At least one node in the network that should be executed
- can by any node in the network
Execute(CancellationToken)# Will execute the data flow for the whole network synchronously.
The network is derived from the given StartNodes (only one node of the network is needed)
Declaration public void Execute ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
Parameters Type Name Description CancellationToken cancellationToken The cancellation token to cancel the whole network when still running
Execute(CancellationToken, params IDataFlowComponent[])# Will execute the data flow for the whole network synchronously.
Declaration public static void Execute ( CancellationToken cancellationToken , params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description CancellationToken cancellationToken A cancellation token which cancels
the whole network when still running
IDataFlowComponent []startNodes At least one node in the network that should be executed
- can by any node in the network
ExecuteAsync()# Will execute the data flow for the whole network asynchronously.
The network is derived from the given StartNodes (only one node of the network is needed)
Declaration public Task ExecuteAsync ()
Returns Type Description Task A task that is ran to completion when the whole network is completed.
ExecuteAsync(params IDataFlowComponent[])# Will execute the data flow for the whole network asynchronously.
Declaration public static Task ExecuteAsync ( params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description IDataFlowComponent []startNodes At least one node in the network that should be executed
- can by any node in the network
Returns ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken)# Will execute the data flow for the whole network asynchronously.
The network is derived from the given StartNodes (only one node of the network is needed)
Declaration public Task ExecuteAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
Parameters Type Name Description CancellationToken cancellationToken A cancellation token to cancel the whole network when running
Returns Type Description Task A task that is ran to completion when the whole network is completed.
ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken, params IDataFlowComponent[])# Will execute the data flow for the whole network asynchronously.
Declaration public static Task ExecuteAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken , params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description CancellationToken cancellationToken A cancellation token which cancels
the whole network when still running
IDataFlowComponent []startNodes At least one node in the network that should be executed
- can by any node in the network
Returns Init(params IDataFlowComponent[])# Creates a new network with the given start nodes.
Declaration public static Network Init ( params IDataFlowComponent [] startNodes )
Parameters Type Name Description IDataFlowComponent []startNodes At least one or more nodes from the network.
Connected nodes will be automatically collected.
Returns Type Description Network A new Network instance.
ParallelExecute(params Network[])# Allows to execute multiple networks in parallel.
Declaration public static Task ParallelExecute ( params Network [] networks )
Parameters Type Name Description Network []networks Network that should run in parallel
Returns Type Description Task An awaitable task that completes when all networks are execute successfully.
Declaration public string PrintAsJson ()
Returns PrintAsJson(Func<DataFlowComponent, Dictionary<string, object>>)# Prints the network as a json string.
Declaration public string PrintAsJson ( Func < DataFlowComponent , Dictionary < string , object >> propertyExtraction )
Parameters Returns PrintAsNodes()#
Declaration public NetworkNode PrintAsNodes ()
Returns PrintAsNodes(Func<DataFlowComponent, Dictionary<string, object>>)# Create a representation of the network using NetworkNode objects.
Declaration public NetworkNode PrintAsNodes ( Func < DataFlowComponent , Dictionary < string , object >> propertyExtraction )
Parameters Returns Type Description NetworkNode The current network using NetworkNode objects
Declaration public Network SetLogInstance ( ILogger logger )
Parameters Returns