
The XmlSource and XmlDestination allow you to read or write data from/into a xml file or web service.

Xml connector package

If you need to work with xml code, make sure to add the latest ETLBox.Xml   package to your project. The xml integration is based on System.Xml.

If you want to start with example code right away, you will find it in the recipes section for the XmlSource and XmlDestination. The components could also be used in other examples.


The xml source let you read data from a xml source.

Let’s assume your xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <MySimpleRow Col1="1">
    <MySimpleRow Col1="2">

Xml reading is based on the Microsoft XmlSerializer (using System.Xml.Serialization). You can make use of the default xml attribute annotations to influence how data is read by the XmlSerializer. For the example xml above, the following code could read the xml file:

public class MyRow
    public int Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }

XmlSource<MyRow> source = new XmlSource<MyRow>("source.xml", ResourceType.File);

You can take full advantage of all Microsoft XmlSerializer attributes. Here is another example that utilizes XmlElement to map xml elements with a property in an object, and also an object type to access the attributes. It also show how to set up the namespace.

Consider the following xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <comment>Hello, world!</comment>
    <category term="TermA" scheme="http://scheme1.test" />
    <category term="TermB" scheme="http://scheme2.test" />

You can read this file using the following code:

[XmlRoot("entry", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")]
public class MyRow
    public string Id{ get; set; }
    public Category Category { get; set; }

[XmlRoot("category", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")]
public class Category
    public string Term { get; set; }
    public string Schema { get; set; }

XmlSource<MyRow> source = new XmlSource<MyRow>("example.xml", ResourceType.File);
//If necessary, you can change the Xml readder settings 
//source.XmlReaderSettings = new System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings() { }
MemoryDestination <MyRow> destination = new MemoryDestination<MyRow>();


foreach (var entry in destination.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {entry.Id}, Term: {entry.Category.Term}, Title: {entry.Category.Schema}");

Using dynamic objects

XmlSource does also support the dynamic ExpandoObject. If you want to use it, you can define an ElementName that contains the data you actually want to parse - as you normally are not interested in your root element. ETLBox then will look for this Element and parse every occurrence of it into an ExpandoObject and send it into the connected components.

Here is an example. If your xml looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

You can parse the two elements with the following code:

XmlSource source = new XmlSource("demo2.xml", ResourceType.File)
    ElementName = "MySimpleRow"

Handling attributes with dynamic objects

Version 2.7.1 and later

Attributes can be accessed via their name and the prefix at_ (and text data outside of elements via the prefix tx_) If you like to have a different prefix, you can adjust the AttributePrefixForDynamic and TextPrefixForDynamic properties. If you want to have the same behaviour as in previous ETLBox versions, you can set AttributePrefixForDynamic = "@" and TextPrefixForDynamic = "#".

Consider the following xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <comment>Hello, world!</comment>
    <category term="TermA" scheme="http://scheme1.test" />
    <category term="TermB" scheme="http://scheme2.test" />

We can now access the data in our dynamic object:

XmlSource<MyRow> source = new XmlSource<MyRow>("example.xml", ResourceType.File);
RowTransformation rowTrans = new RowTransformation();
rowTrans.TransformationFunc = row => {
    dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject;
    var id = r.id;
    var categoryTerm = r.category.at_term;

Prior version 2.7.1

When reading attributes using the dynamic approach and using an ETLBox version prior 2.7.1, the property names of attributes will have an @ sign in front of their names. This makes it difficult to access these properties,e.g. in a RowTransformation when converting the row in a dynamic object. So when we reuse the xml file from above again:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <comment>Hello, world!</comment>
    <category term="TermA" scheme="http://scheme1.test" />
    <category term="TermB" scheme="http://scheme2.test" />

When we try to access the attributes in a RowTransformation, the following code won’t work:

XmlSource<MyRow> source = new XmlSource<MyRow>("example.xml", ResourceType.File);
RowTransformation rowTrans = new RowTransformation();
rowTrans.TransformationFunc = row => {
    dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject;
    var categoryTerm = r.category.@term //@ is not allowed as a property name!
    ...//won't compile

Instead, we need to convert the relevant ExpandoObject into an IDictionary<string,object> first:

XmlSource<MyRow> source = new XmlSource<MyRow>("example.xml", ResourceType.File);
RowTransformation rowTrans = new RowTransformation();
rowTrans.TransformationFunc = row => {
    dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject;
    var category = r.category as IDictionary<string,object>;
    var categoryTerm = catgegory["@term"];

Ignoring DTD processing

If you need to process a xml file with a DTD definition, you might want to change the XmlReader settings to ignore parsing of the DTD:

XmlSource<MySimpleRow> source = new XmlSource<MySimpleRow>("XmlWithDTD.xml", ResourceType.File);
source.XmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing = System.Xml.DtdProcessing.Ignore;

Unparsed data

If you want to access parts from the xml which are not part of your processed data, you can set the property CollectUnparsedData to true. By default, only data that can be written in object which are sent into the dataflow are processed. Activating this feature will also read the rest of the Xml file. You can access the unparsed data in the property UnparsedData of the Xml source. If you use the GetNextUri/HasNextUri pattern to paginate through your source data, you can access the unparsed data of the current page in the StreamMetaData.UnparsedData property.

Here is an example for accessing UnparsedData directly in the component:

XmlSource<MySimpleRow> source = new XmlSource<MySimpleRow>("UnparsedData.xml", ResourceType.File);
source.CollectUnparsedData = true;

The next example show how to access unparsed data in the StreamMetaData object:

var source = new XmlSource<MySimpleRow>();
source.ResourceType = ResourceType.File;
source.CollectUnparsedData = true;

source.GetNextUri = meta => {
    return $"res/XmlSource/TodosWithLink_NextPage.xml";
source.HasNextUri = meta => {
    return true;

Changing element names

If some cases, the source file contains elements with different names which contain our data. If you are using the dynamic approach, you can use the ElementNameRetrievalFunc to adjust the element name before reading the next element. The provided StreamMetaData object will contain the name of the next element inside the AdditionalData property.

Here is an example of using this feature:

string sourceFile = "res/Examples/DifferentElementNames.xml";

var source = new XmlSource() {
    ResourceType = ResourceType.File,
    Uri = sourceFile
source.ElementNameRetrievalFunc = (smd) => {
    if ((string)smd.AdditonalData == "A") return "A";
    else return "B";
source.AttributePrefixForDynamic = "";
var dest = new MemoryDestination();


foreach (dynamic row in dest.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Received Id: {row.Id}, Value: {row.Value}");
/* Output:
Content of file 'DifferentElementNames.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <A Id="1">
    <B Value="Test2">
    <Skipped Id="0">X</Skipped>
    <B Value="Test3">
    <A Id="4">
Received Id: 1, Value: Test1
Received Id: 2, Value: Test2
Received Id: 3, Value: Test3
Received Id: 4, Value: Test4


The xml destination will use the same XmlSerializer to serialize the data and write them into an xml file.

Here is an example how to influence the XmlSerializer using attributes:

public class MyRow
    public int Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }

XmlDestination<MyRow> dest = 
  new XmlDestination<MyRow>("dest.xml", ResourceType.File);

Could create an output that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <MySimpleRow Col1="1" Col2="Test1" />
  <MySimpleRow Col1="2" />

XmlDestination with dynamic object

The XmlDestination also supports creating xml output from dynamic objects.

var source = new DbSource(SqlConnection, "Table");
var dest = new XmlDestination("XmlDynamicObject.xml", ResourceType.File);