Column rename

This transformation let you rename the properties names of your ingoing data. Also, you can remove columns from your flow.


ColumnRename allows you to rename the column or properties names of your ingoing data. You can provide a column mapping with the old and the new name for each column. The mapping can also be automatically retrieved from existing DbColumnMap attributes. This transformation works with object, ExpandoObject and array as input data type. It will always output an ExpandoObject with the new mapped property names.

If you have an array as input type, instead of providing the old name you need to enter the array index and the new name.


The ColumnRename is a non blocking transformation and has one input buffer.

Code snippet

var source = new DbSource<MyInputRow>();
var map = new ColumnRename<MyInputRow>();
map.RenameColumns = new []
    new RenameColumn() { CurrentName = "OldCol1", NewName = "Col1"),
    new RenameColumn() { CurrentName = "OldCol2", RemoveColumn = true)
var dest = new DbDestination(SqlConnection, "ColumnRenameDest");



The ColumnRename component will always output an ExpandoObject, independently from your input type

Rename columns

You should always provide a list of renaming columns, either by providing this list manually via the RenameColumnns properties or by having the RenameColum attribute on the corresponding properties in your strongly typed object.

The RenameColumns contains information about the renaming - this should be the old and the new name for each column (except arrays, where you can define an ArrayIndex). If you want to remove a column, you need to provide the current name and set a flag for removing the column. If no mapping is provided, it will just convert your ingoing data type into an ExpandoObject.

Example for attribute usage

public class MyInputRow
    public int Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }

public void RenamingWithAttributes() {
    var source = new MemorySource<MyInputRow>();
    var input = new MyInputRow() {
        Col1 = 1,
        Col2 = "Test",
    var map = new ColumnRename<MyInputRow>();
    var dest = new MemoryDestination();
    dynamic output = dest.Data.First();
    IDictionary<string,object> outputDict = dest.Data.First();
    Console.WriteLine("Does property Col1 still exists?" + outputDict.ContainsKey("Col1"));
    Console.WriteLine("Does property Col2 still exists?" + outputDict.ContainsKey("Col2"));
    Console.WriteLine("Does property NewCol1 now exists?" + outputDict.ContainsKey("NewCol1"));
    Console.WriteLine("Does property NewCol2 still exists?" + outputDict.ContainsKey("NewCol2"));
    Console.WriteLine("NewCol1: " + output.NewCol1 + " NewCol2: " + output.NewCol2);
      Does property Col1 still exists?False
      Does property Col2 still exists?False
      Does property NewCol1 now exists?True
      Does property NewCol2 still exists?True
      NewCol1: 1 NewCol2: Test