Register ETLBox license key
If you purchase a package without source code access, you can remove all ETLBox limitations from the nuget package by registering a license key.
License file
If you have received a license file (normally named etlbox.lic
) from us, you need to make sure that ETLBox can read this license. The file itself can be opened with any text editor of your choice. It is encoded in UTF8 and human readable.
The content of the file will look like this:
2010-01-01|ETLBoxOffice|Andreas Lennartz|||oPuwE+8bnjgELq1bJCf3PG5VRW9iY81ICgRZoRddVwd9FuEFSYddrz6PmP1u4g2QSQ+0hqvC/VRTm4ZgUJsJYqEOvr0tfYcL9l9enH1DgdTG5bInSLc7+C+vTxRbpHYn5Pz05YUA3IWqtv6LRfiakQlTxl8NYwUhgL249Q9x3Co=
Register the license
To register your license key with ETLBox, you have 3 options:
Option 1:
Open the file with a text editor of your choice, and copy the content. Add the following line to your code:
For ETLBox 3.6.X and later:
using ETLBox.Licensing;
LicenseService.CurrentKey = "content_of_license_file";
For ETLBox 3.5.X and previous versions:
using ETLBoxOffice.LicenseManager;
LicenseCheck.LicenseKey = "content_of_license_file";
This line needs to be called before you execute a data flow. This will work in any environment, and is the preferred option to register your license key.
Option 2
Set up a user-wide, machine-wide or process-wide environment variable with the name etlbox
. Copy the content of your license file into this environment variable. (Logout/Login or restart your system if necessary)
Azure functions/web app or other azure services:
Go into the Configuration -> App Settings of your function or web app. See the Microsoft docs how to configure app settings in Azure
Add a new application setting. Enter etlbox
as name and copy the content of your etlbox.lic file as value.
Option 3
Just copy the file in the same folder where the ETLBox.dll resides. This is normally the root folder of your project.
If you add it to the sources of your project, make sure that the option Copy to output directory
is set to Copy always
or Copy if newer
Azure functions / Azure web app:
There are different deployment methods available for your Azure Function or Web App. Some deployments methods will give you access to the file system on your Azure File Storage. In this case you can copy the etlbox.lic file into the same folder where your executable resides.
If you are using the Zip deploy method, you won’t have access to the files on your file storage. If you still want to use the file based approach, you can add the etlbox.lic file as a resource to your project. The file is now embedded as a resource and the license check is able to extract the license from the resource file automatically.
Which option do you recommend
We recommend that you start using option 1 to register your key. Option 2 and 3 are still available for compatibility reasons, but may become obsolete in future versions.
How long is my license valid?
The implemented license check in ETLBox will basically just verify if the date at the beginning of the license string is still in the future. For non trial licenses, there is an additional grace period where the license will still work for 90 days after this date (though a warning is written into the log file).
Why is there no online license check?
Security is a matter that we take seriously. We don’t want to create any vulnerabilities by adding unnecessary web requests to your code base. The only web request that ETBox will make are the ones that you explicitly trigger, e.g. if you use the JsonSource with an URL to get data from a web service. Other than that, ETLBox won’t try to connect anywhere else. That’s why the whole license is implemented offline.