
Azure Function App →

Example: how to use ETLBox with Azure Functions

This example shows the basics deployment of an Azure Function App using ETLBox as dependency.

Control and Data Flow Basics →

Example: Control and data flow basics

This purpose of this example is to give you a brief overview of the basic concepts of ETLBox. It demonstrates the basic idea of a very simple data flow and shows how to use the ControlFlow objects to manage your database metadata.

Data Lookup →

Various examples how to use the lookup transformation

This article contains examples which show how to use the lookup transformation and shows other techniques to lookup data..

Json Path in Dynamic Object →

Example: Using json path with dynamic objects

This purpose of this example is demonstrate how json path can be used to simplify navigation in dynamic objects.

Parallel Execution →

Example: how to run multiple data flows in parallel

This purpose of this example is to show how multiple data flows can be executed in parallel.