Cross join

This article contains example code that shows the usage of the CrossJoin component.

Cross joining names

This example shows how to the cross join can be used to join names. The cross join basically create a Cartesian product of both inputs, means that every row of one input is joined with every row from the other input.

public class MyLeftRow
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

public class MyRightRow
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public class MyOutputRow
    public string FullName { get; set; }

public void CrossJoiningNames() {
    var source1 = new MemorySource<MyLeftRow>();
    source1.DataAsList.Add(new MyLeftRow() { FirstName = "Elvis" });
    source1.DataAsList.Add(new MyLeftRow() { FirstName = "James" });
    source1.DataAsList.Add(new MyLeftRow() { FirstName = "Marilyn" });
    var source2 = new MemorySource<MyRightRow>();
    source2.DataAsList.Add(new MyRightRow() { LastName = "Presley" });
    source2.DataAsList.Add(new MyRightRow() { LastName = "Monroe" });

    var join = new CrossJoin<MyLeftRow, MyRightRow, MyOutputRow>(
        (leftRow, rightRow) => {
            return new MyOutputRow() {
                FullName = leftRow.FirstName + " " + rightRow.LastName

    var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyOutputRow>();

    Network.Execute(source1, source2);

    foreach (var row in dest.Data)

    //Elvis Presley
    //James Presley
    //Marilyn Presley
    //Elvis Monroe
    //James Monroe
    //Marilyn Monroe