Wait Transformation
The WaitTransformation blocks execution until another component in the network has completed processing all records.
The purpose of the WaitTransformation is to block execution of a path in your Network until another component (or multiple other components) has completed processing. The other dataflow compoment can be either a component from the same network, or a component of a different data flow.
When waiting for a component in the same data flow, the WaitTransformation is mostly used in conjunction with a Multicast or Predicates, which split up the network in different paths.
Additionally, the WaitTransformation also accepts a TaskCompletionSource
- so basically it can be used to wait for any Task.
The WaitTransformation has an input and output buffer. It won’t accept any records until the component(s) in the network which are awaited are completed - once the other components are completed, the WaitTransformation will start to process all records without any delay.
With other data flow components
You can simply pass an instance of any other data flow component to the WaitTransformation.
var dest = new DbDestination("TableName");
var wait = new WaitTransformation<MyLinkingRow>(dest);
var dest1 = new DbDestination("TableName");
var row = new RowTransformation();
var wait = new WaitTransformation<MyLinkingRow>(row, dest);
Alternatively, you can pass the other component instances to the property DataFlowComponents
Example 2 networks
* Two data flows:
* Source1 --> Destination1 (onCompletion: set value)
* Source2 --> WaitTask --> RowTransformation -> Destination2 (started first)
bool completed = false;
MemorySource<MyLinkingRow> source1 = new MemorySource<MyLinkingRow>();
source1.Data = CreateDemoData(1, 200000);
MemorySource<MyLinkingRow> source2 = new MemorySource<MyLinkingRow>();
source2.Data = CreateDemoData(1, 200000);
var dest1 = new MemoryDestination<MyLinkingRow>();
var dest2 = new MemoryDestination<MyLinkingRow>();
var wait = new WaitTransformation<MyLinkingRow>(dest1);
var row = new RowTransformation<MyLinkingRow>();
row.TransformationFunc = row => {
if (completed == false) throw new Exception("This won't happen");
return row;
dest2.OnCompletion = () => completed = true;
Task t1 = Network.ExecuteAsync(source2);
Task t2 = Network.ExecuteAsync(source1);
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);
Example same network
* Source1 --> WaitTask --> RowTransformation -> Destination
* Source2 -------------------|
bool completedSource1 = false;
bool completedSource2 = false;
MemorySource<MyLinkingRow> source1 = new MemorySource<MyLinkingRow>();
source1.Data = CreateDemoData(10001, 11000);
MemorySource<MyLinkingRow> source2 = new MemorySource<MyLinkingRow>();
source2.Data = CreateDemoData(1, 1000);
var row = new RowTransformation<MyLinkingRow>();
var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyLinkingRow>();
var wait = new WaitTransformation<MyLinkingRow>(source2);
row.TransformationFunc = row => {
if (row.Col1 == 1000)
completedSource2 = true;
if (row.Col1 == 11000)
completedSource1 = true;
if (!completedSource2 && row.Col1 > 1000)
throw new Exception("This won't happen");
return row;
Waiting for TaskCompletionSource
The WaitTransformation can also be used to wait for any kind of TaskCompletionSource
. You can pass one or multiple task completion sources to the property TaskCompletionSources