Custom batch destination

This article contains example code that shows the usage of the CustomBatchDestination component.

The custom batch destination allows you to process batches of your incoming data with any C# method. If you need to process your data row by row, you can use the CustomDestination instead.

Processing batches of strongly typed objects

public class MyRow
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyRow>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = i, Value = "Test" + i });

int batchNumber = 1;
var dataByBatchNumber = new Dictionary<int, List<MyRow>>();
var batchDest = new CustomBatchDestination<MyRow>(100,
    (batch, pg) => {
        dataByBatchNumber.Add(batchNumber, batch.ToList());
batchDest.BatchSize = 3;


foreach (var row in dataByBatchNumber)
    Console.WriteLine("Batchnumber:" + row.Key + " has " + row.Value.Count + " records.");

/* Output
Batchnumber:1 has 3 records.
Batchnumber:2 has 3 records.
Batchnumber:3 has 3 records.
Batchnumber:4 has 1 records.