
This article contains example codes that demonstrate the usage of the Aggregation transformation.

AggregateColumn attribute

This example shows how to use the Aggregate with the AggregateColumn attribute on your object.

public class MyDetailValue
    public int DetailValue { get; set; }

public class MyAggRow
    [AggregateColumn(nameof(MyDetailValue.DetailValue), AggregationMethod.Sum)]
    public int AggValue { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyDetailValue>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 5 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 3 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 2 });

var agg = new Aggregation<MyDetailValue, MyAggRow>();

var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyAggRow>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)


Aggregation condition

You can use the AggregationCondition property to filter our particular rows that you don’t want to be part of your aggegration.

public class MyDetailValue
    public int DetailValue { get; set; }

public class MyAggRow
    [AggregateColumn(nameof(MyDetailValue.DetailValue), AggregationMethod.Sum)]
    public int AggValue { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyDetailValue>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 5 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 3 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 2 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 10 });

var agg = new Aggregation<MyDetailValue, MyAggRow>();
agg.AggregationCondition = (row, aggregationMethod) => {
    if (row.DetailValue == 3 && aggregationMethod.AggregationMethod == AggregationMethod.Sum)
        return false;
        return true;
var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyAggRow>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)


Attributes on dynamic input

This example shows how to use the Aggregate with the dynamic ExpandoObject by setting the AggregateColumns property.

var source = new MemorySource();
dynamic val1 = new ExpandoObject(); val1.DetailValue = 5; source.DataAsList.Add(val1);
dynamic val2 = new ExpandoObject(); val2.DetailValue = 3; source.DataAsList.Add(val2);
dynamic val3 = new ExpandoObject(); val3.DetailValue = 2; source.DataAsList.Add(val3);

var agg = new Aggregation();
agg.AggregateColumns = new List<AggregateColumn>()
    new AggregateColumn() {
        InputValuePropName = "DetailValue",
        AggregatedValuePropName = "AggValue",
        AggregationMethod = AggregationMethod.Sum

var dest = new MemoryDestination();


foreach (dynamic row in dest.Data)


Custom aggregation function

This example shows how to set up your own aggregation function.

public class MyDetailValue
    public int DetailValue { get; set; }

public class MyAggRow2
    public int AggValue { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyDetailValue>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 5 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 3 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyDetailValue() { DetailValue = 2 });

var agg = new Aggregation<MyDetailValue, MyAggRow2>();
agg.AggregationAction =
    (detailValue, aggValue) =>
        aggValue.AggValue = detailValue.DetailValue + aggValue.AggValue;

var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyAggRow2>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)


GroupColumn attribute

This example shows how to use the GroupColumn attribute.

public class DetailWithGroup
    public int DetailValue { get; set; }
    public string Group { get; set; }

public class MyAggRow3
    [AggregateColumn(nameof(DetailWithGroup.DetailValue), AggregationMethod.Sum)]
    public int AggValue { get; set; }
    public string Group { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<DetailWithGroup>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "A", DetailValue = 3 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "A", DetailValue = 7 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "B", DetailValue = 4 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "B", DetailValue = 6 });

var agg = new Aggregation<DetailWithGroup, MyAggRow3>();

var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyAggRow3>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)
    Console.WriteLine($"Sum for {row.Group}:{row.AggValue}");

//Sum for A:10
//Sum for B:10

GroupColumn attribute on dynamic input

This example show how to use set up grouping with the dynamic ExpandoObject.

var source = new MemorySource();
dynamic val1 = new ExpandoObject();
val1.Group = "A"; val1.DetailValue = 3;
dynamic val2 = new ExpandoObject();
val2.Group = "A"; val2.DetailValue = 7;
dynamic val3 = new ExpandoObject();
val3.Group = "B"; val3.DetailValue = 4;
dynamic val4 = new ExpandoObject();
val4.Group = "B"; val4.DetailValue = 6;

var agg = new Aggregation();
agg.AggregateColumns = new List<AggregateColumn>()
    new AggregateColumn()
        InputValuePropName = "DetailValue",
        AggregatedValuePropName = "AggValue",
        AggregationMethod = AggregationMethod.Sum
agg.GroupColumns = new List<GroupColumn>()
    new GroupColumn()
        GroupPropNameInInput = "Group",
        GroupPropNameInOutput = "Group"

var dest = new MemoryDestination();


foreach (dynamic row in dest.Data)
    Console.WriteLine($"Sum for {row.Group}:{row.AggValue}");

//Sum for A:10
//Sum for B:10

Custom grouping function

The code below demonstrate how to set up a your own grouping function.

public class MyAggRow4
    public int AggValue { get; set; }
    public string Group { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<DetailWithGroup>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "A", DetailValue = 3 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "A", DetailValue = 7 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "B", DetailValue = 4 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new DetailWithGroup() { Group = "B", DetailValue = 6 });

var agg = new Aggregation<DetailWithGroup, MyAggRow4>();
agg.AggregationAction =
    (detailValue, aggValue) =>
        aggValue.AggValue = detailValue.DetailValue + aggValue.AggValue;

agg.GroupingFunc =
    detailValue => detailValue.Group;

agg.StoreKeyAction =
    (groupingObject, aggValue) => aggValue.Group = (string)groupingObject;

var dest = new MemoryDestination<MyAggRow4>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)
    Console.WriteLine($"Sum for {row.Group}:{row.AggValue}");

//Sum for A:10
//Sum for B:10

Keep values in aggregation with group

The following example was created to show how to keep a value that is not part of an aggregate or group column. In this example, we want to calculate the sum of the Score property - grouped by ID_A. But we also want to keep the ID_B for informational purposes. This example shows how to keep the first encountered value of ID_B. If you like to keep the last value instead, you can use the AggregationMethod.LastValue instead. (There are also FirstNotNullValue and LastNotNullValue as alternatives)

public class Source
    public int ID_A { get; set; }
    public int ID_B { get; set; }
    public int Score { get; set; }

public class Result
    public int ID_A { get; set; }
    [AggregateColumn("ID_B", AggregationMethod.FirstValue)]
    public int ID_B { get; set; }
    [AggregateColumn("Score", AggregationMethod.Sum)]
    public int Score { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<Source>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 1, Score = 10 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 2, Score = 20 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 3, Score = 30 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 4, Score = 20 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 5, Score = 10 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 6, Score = 15 });
source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 3, ID_B = 7, Score = 10 });

var agg = new Aggregation<Source, Result>();
var dest = new MemoryDestination<Result>();


foreach (var row in dest.Data)
    Console.WriteLine("ID_A:"+ row.ID_A + " - ID_B:" + row.ID_B + " - Score:" + row.Score);

/* Output */
//ID_A:1 ID_B:1 Score:60
//ID_A:2 ID_B:4 Score:45
//ID_A:3 ID_B:7 Score:10

Defining own group key object

This example shows how to create your own group key. It will produce the same result as the previous example, but the main focus is here to demonstrate how grouping can be influence by defining your own key object. This key object is used in the internal dictionary of the Aggregation. Every time the aggregation encounters a new row, it will check if an object with the same key already exists in the internal dictionary - if yes, then the previous aggregated value is retrieved for this group. By overriding the Equals and GetHashCode methods we define our own matching condition. In this example, a new row matches with a previous row in the dictionary if the ID_A of both objects are equal.

public class Source
    public int ID_A { get; set; }
    public int ID_B { get; set; }
    public int Score { get; set; }

public class Result
    public int ID_A { get; set; }
    public int ID_B { get; set; }
    public int Score { get; set; }

public class GroupBy
    public override int GetHashCode() => ID_A.GetHashCode();

    public int ID_A { get; set; }
    public int ID_B { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj) {
        var other = obj as GroupBy;
        if (other == null) return false;
        return ID_A == other.ID_A;

public void KeepFirstValueByDefiningOwnGroupingKey() {
    var source = new MemorySource<Source>();
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 1, Score = 10 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 2, Score = 20 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 1, ID_B = 3, Score = 30 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 4, Score = 20 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 5, Score = 10 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 2, ID_B = 6, Score = 15 });
    source.DataAsList.Add(new Source() { ID_A = 3, ID_B = 7, Score = 10 });

    var agg = new Aggregation<Source, Result>();

    agg.AggregationAction =
    (detailValue, aggValue) => {
        //example for Max:
        //aggValue.Score = detailValue.Score > aggValue.Score ? detailValue.Score : aggValue.Score;
        aggValue.Score += detailValue.Score;
        if (aggValue.ID_B == 0)
                aggValue.ID_B = detailValue.ID_B;

    agg.GroupingFunc = detailValue => new GroupBy() { ID_A = detailValue.ID_A, ID_B = detailValue.ID_B };

    agg.StoreKeyAction =
        (groupingObject, aggValue) => {
            var groupBy = (GroupBy)groupingObject;
            aggValue.ID_A = groupBy.ID_A;
            aggValue.ID_B = groupBy.ID_B;

    var dest = new MemoryDestination<Result>();


    foreach (var row in dest.Data)
        Console.WriteLine("ID_A:" + row.ID_A + " - ID_B:" + row.ID_B + " - Score:" + row.Score);

    /* Output */
    //ID_A:1 ID_B:1 Score:60
    //ID_A:2 ID_B:4 Score:45
    //ID_A:3 ID_B:7 Score:10